The 2012 Boston Marathon or The Worst Best Day of My Life!

in Race Reviews

Boston is next weekend and while I’m not running, I have some friends who are (and actually qualified). What better time to reflect on my run from last year? Here’s my Boston story. I know, it’s kinda long, but, if you know anything about the Boston Marathon, you know the story is never a quick…

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I’d really just rather ride my bike sometimes . . .

in General

I have to admit that I don’t do any speed work.I know I should and even though I PR’d a half marathon after taking a speed work class with a local running store last spring, I just don’t have the discipline. What I am good at is cross training. And by cross training, I mean riding my…

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The Congregation – My Running Group

in Motivation

I’ve made mention of the Congregation once or twice in this space and thought maybe it was time for a little explanation. At it’s most basic level, the Congregation is the nickname for my running group, so named by a former mentor of mine. He named us after hearing about the long runs we would do on…

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Pleased to meet you . . .

in Race Video

I had so much fun making the video of the bike ride I decided to play around some more with iMovie. In the wee hours of yesterday morning, I came up with an idea to put together a video of my race history.After sorting through, literally, THOUSANDS of photos, importing them to iPhoto, hours of…

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Cycling Related: A Fall Ride to Piermont

in General

I’ve mentioned a few times on the blog that I started out as a cyclist. While I consider myself primarily a runner these days, I still have a lot of love for the bike and riding with my buddies. I’m not such a hammerhead anymore as I mainly use the bike for leisurely weekend rides, cross…

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Is it spring yet?

in Gear Review

When my wife and I run together, she relies on me to help determine what to wear before we leave. Her running wardrobe is limited compared to mine (she’s been running consistently for just over a year) and mine consists of baskets and baskets full of gear and clothing with random necessities mixed in between. For instance, here we…

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